swansea Miners

7 Jun 2009
No where
Can't believe that we haven't got a thread already going on this.


At the moment four miners are still trapped by water down the Gleision Colliery drift mine by suspect water. I was firstly shocked to hear that there were mines still opperating in south wales commerically, thought the trade unions and marget thatcher had killed them all off.

I have to admit my first thought was more about how this may effect my company in securing planing permission to open a drift mine under the port talbot hills. Felt kinda guilty after that.

My thoughts go out to the guys down at the mine and hope the situation is resolved quickly and with good result, last thing south wales needs is another industrial death.
lets face it it's Swansea, with any luck this is the start of it sinking into the sea.

oh cmon, sure its a monotone of depressing grey and sure the cnetre is full of boarded up shops and drunk homeless people and sure the facillites are out dated and in a poor state of repair but it does have one redeeming feature wednesday night is student night :D
A night of lovely soft, woolly sex? :P

haha well that has to be a record of some sorts only took 5 posts till sheep shagging was brought in.

i heard they found something so good they decided to seal themselfs in rather than share it with the rest of the world.

im thinking the ark of the covenant ?

The ark of covenant in south wales? nah has to be pandora's box could explain the decimation of the valleys
unable to see why striderx hasn't been given a holiday for trolling but the admins minds are very confusing places.

Not much hope for the fourth guy, feel bad for the family and friends that have to deal with this.
RIP however being Miners they were all worthless obviously.
I wonder how worthless StriderX is on his high horse?

I would love to know why StriderX thinks their worthless because they are miners?
I expect that StriderX works in a office forgetting with out miners, his house wouldnt be lit or heated, He would have no metal / plastic furniture/ parts and there would be no fuel for his car, as the coal is used to create coke which one of its by-products is Benzole used to enrich petrol.

I hope they find the fourth guy alive, south wales has had enough industrial tragedies in the last 10 years (Pt Blast furnace number 5 and Kevin Downey inquiry finally being completed) but unfortunatly bad things happen to good people, whilst bad people seem to get away scot free
bad news rumblings coming from site are that the 4th is dead also but not confirmed yet

wouldn't supprise me it is a very old mine without the modern built in safety systems or escape accesss points. Very sad state of affairs, I know the owner was one of thoses trapped and his son only just got out. very sad state of affairs
All 4 dead. RIP.

The is news is soul destroying, i just feel so sorry for the families and the children whos fathers arn't coming home.

Hopefully this will mark a change in the running of private run mines.

Damn. :(

RIP. I cannot fathom how bad it must have been for them. Trapped underground and knowing they are going to die.
not to sound like a uncaring **** but i hope for there sakes it was quick , cant think of how bad it could be trapped down a flood mineshaft

edit: find it kinda appaling that kelis ranting about so-called racism has more intresst than this :(
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