Swapping from Vista Desktop!

7 Mar 2007
Birmingham, UK
Hi, im looking to get a macbook, which will be used as my main machine, i don't do much, browsing, music, a bit of photoshopping thats it really, nothing to heavy, just thinking that the 13" screen might be a bit small?

Is accessing the Apple store through uni to get the HE discount the cheapest way to order?

Also, this is my first mac, so do you think it would be wise to go for a macbook at this stage?

I would look for an external monitor if you would want to be doing photoshopping for any extended period as 13" is great for out and about working/surfing, sadly it is a bit small for every day use. I use a MBP and find that sometimes I do want just a little bit more. Lots of tricks though for producing more artificial space with spaces etc.

HE discount is the cheapest and comes with 3 year warranty. I would suggest checking one out in the flesh before you buy though so you are aware and happy with the screen size/resolution.

I would say look at your budget, are you happy with the costs/performance for your uses. I really like OSX and will be sticking with it for as long as I can justify it over win systems. You should not lose too much value in the event you want to upgrade at a later date as macs are well known for strong resale price.

Yeah, i've had a bit of a mess around in the Apple Store, but i don't think ill be sure if i need the extra space until i start using it properly :/
Do you need it to be portable? If not then buy a mac mini with which you can use your existing monitor.
i found a MBP a good size for everything but the price difference just for the extra 2 inches of screen when youre not going to be playing games isn't worth it really.
Personally if you want something portable then get a decent spec macbook then get a monitor in the future if you decide you need more space to work or a more accurate monitor in colour reproduction :)
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