hi guys thanks for the responces. Static was one of my main worrys and also "sweaty" hands. My hands sweat a lot so would surgical gloves reduce the chance of damaging any of the hardware? I dont have a problem with the cables and leads as my PSU is all modular and i can do that step by step. but ive decided to write out a plan on what im to do, Please correct me if you have a better solution.
1.Discconect all cables.
2.Take PSU and Cables out.
3.Take HD's and Drives out.
4.Take out all PCI/PCI-E cards out.
5.Unscrew mobo and take out (with CPU/HSF/Memory attached)
Lay all out of anti-static bags.
2.Mobo (CPU/HSF/MEM) and Screw inplace
3.HD and Drives
4.PCI Cards
5.connect all Cables and boot.
sound alright? Hopefully this goes error free but like always something will go wrong for me.
Ta, Ryan