SWEETFX will not work with Deus Ex Human Revolution

27 Jul 2004
Right. I've been using sweetfx for years and the newer reshade stuff in loads of games. I am by no means a novice and have become very proficient at tweaking and creating my own SweetFX game profiles too.

I fancied giving Deus EX Human Revolution (original version, not the 'director's cut version) another whirl as I haven't touched it for a few years and never got very far into it.

It's the steam version I have, So I tried to load it but for some reason Steam had to download the whole thing again. Strange I thought, but no probs, and my save games were still working so no worries.

However, I find the visuals a bit washed out and it's crying out for some SweetFX tweaking!

BUT I just cannot get sweetfx to work! Tried every version and newer reshade ones and it flat out doesn't work. Tried running the game in DX9 mode and DX11, no difference.

I don't have fraps or any other on screen displays running either, as I know that can negate sweetfx on a few titles.

Anyone any bright ideas? I've done loads of web searching and can't find anyone else having any real issues. Why will this one game not work with SweetFX for me????!
Can't offer any help but I know it does work - I've seen screenshots where they've toned down the colour filter, etc. using it.
I had it working with Deus Ex but it was ages ago. Sure I used it through Radeon Pro at the time. Give that a bash.

Never used Radeon Pro. Not had to.

Just gave it a try. Sweetfx still Doesn't work. I know radeon pro is working as the fps coounter is displaying etc. I'm pointing to where the sweetfx files are stored. No dice.

This is really weird! Help?
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Could it be another overlay thats stopping it?

Try disabling any game recorders like fraps or shadowplay etc and also the steam overlay.
Could it be another overlay thats stopping it?

Try disabling any game recorders like fraps or shadowplay etc and also the steam overlay.

Not using fraps or any OSD stuff. Don't use shadowplay. Have also tried unticking 'enable steam overlay' for the game. Just does not work!

This is doing my ****ing head in. Never had a game I couldn't get to work with SweetFX before this.
I have it working with directors cut.

It does not work with MSI Afterburner.

I do use Afterburner for overclocking (no OSD though).

Just tried sweetfx 1.5 with no afterburner running - still does not work!

This is really doing my head in. Never been a game I couldn't get sweetfx to work with. Any more ideas???
Don't you have to have DX9 enabled and not DX10/11? have you tried that?

I've tried running in DX9 only mode and DX11. Tried literally everything I can think of.

Tried every version of sweetfx (including the older ones) and the latest reshade files too.
Like I say I'm no newbie with sweetfx at all but this one game has got me totally stumped.
Just play the damn game?

Hahaha, exactly my thoughts.

Judging by the distress this is causing the op, you would think it is the fault of the game or something worse. Relax and just play :p:)

Haha I know :o But where's the fun in that? Once I get obsessed with fixing something I have to do it. I'm sad :)

I got so annoyed earlier I downloaded The Director's Cut version. Only cost £3 and I wanted to see if it makes a difference for sweetfx working or not (and I've read it improves the game in lots of ways, gameplay wise)

You know what? - SWEET FX WORKS FINE with the Director's Cut version. Using sweetfx 1.5 and full DX11 etc etc. No messing about, just works. No idea why this should be the case but something very weird is going on with my 'normal' version of the game. I still have no idea why I can't get sweetfx to run with that at all. Baffling.

Right, time to play the game, finally, after I've arsed around getting a nice sweetfx config going of course :p
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