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1 Dec 2005
For those who hate soe, the cu, and NGE.

There is an emu being made and a very good progress rate now that they released open source. Heres a link to the site, i'll be playing on the chimarea emu server myself, already have a test one up :).

Looks like we'll be able to play this fun game again!!

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I'll Explain better... SWG emu is an emulater of PRE CU star wars galaxies currently being made by some people. Its going to run up to publish 13.

If you didnt know, soe ruined SWG, but these people are rebuilding the old game and different communites have come together and are putting there own emulated servers up.
Meh, apparently I've been banned already.

All right, I want the names of everyone on NTL! It was one of you!
Zefan already posted this ages ago and the thread was deleted IIRC because of the illegal content. It's a good idea though, I would love the real SWG back.
actually according to them its not illegal....

I Quote-
Q) Isnt this illegal?
A) No.

That applies everywhere, in and outside the US. We built the server from ground up, so what exactly can the sue for? Yes it is against the SWG EULA to reverse engineer any communications between it and the server, but that is not (to my knowledge) a legal implication. All they can do is ban our accounts from their services (so what, none of you play anyway).

More of an intellectual property law since LucasArts are very tough on protecting the Star Wars license. They could quite easily remove the SWG EMU web site and content using it.
Just because they say it's legal doesn't make it so. They're breaking most copyright and intellectual properly laws that exist, and just because their server is in some unknown European/whatever country doesn't make it legal either (see: the recent case against The Pirate Bay based in Sweden, and how they only got away with it because torrent files do not count as software.)

Don't take their word for it, do some homework about the law instead.
The Combat Upgrade and the New Game Content, basically the NGE turned SWG from a decent game with depth and a good fanbase to nothing more than an Everquest/WoW clone, removing lots of the professions, having to click each time you want to shoot etc.
i wasn't taking there word for it, i was merely stating that they say it is not illegal, hence the "according to them" :) But anyway, ill see whether or not lucas arts take action against the programers and emulator before i try it.
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