Swiftech H20-220 Apex "Ultra" Or a custom loop?

11 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Right I have never done watercooling before, but I think that its probably time now, I have the money and I have the space in my case, plus I have a cpu thats nicely overclocked...but capable of a lot more.

Question number one:
Should I make a custom loop or go for the Swiftech H20-220 Apex "Ultra" Watercooling Kit?

Question number two:
If I buy the Swiftech H20-220 Apex "Ultra" watercooling loop, could I add another radiator (Swiftech MCR220-QP Dual 120mm Radiator ) would the pump be able to handle two radiators, would this keep the liquid a lot cooler? It may be a stupid idea, but I just thought seeing as I have a tonne of space in my stacker, I may aswell go all out.


Could someone spec me a decent custom loop?

I did some looking in to it a while ago, but Im not really familiar with whats what, so if anyone could draw me up a spec I would be grateful.

I want to cool my cpu, (s939 Opteron 170) and my graphics card (6800 Ultra)and have plenty of space for large tubing, a big radiator etc, whatever is best.

I have £255 in my computer fund at the moment but I dont want to spend all of that.

How would this compare to the swiftech kit? I cant help but think that the kit is very good value for money, and maybe worth the buy on that factor alone.

What sort of performance differences are we looking at between the two?

Ok thanks guys.

I think I am going to order this kit tomorrow.

I will just go with one Rad first and see how it goes.

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