Swirlymms and realsms together?

30 Sep 2003
Not so Sunny Dundee
Is anyone using these two apps side by side on a jailbroken iPhone? As I fancy both apps as I would be able to txt in landscape mode, have normal in and out boxes an also send and receive mms.
LOL interupt please.....

I'm on a contract so no charges as long as I don't go over my inclusive allowance.

Swirlymms costs 4 x txts per message on o2, irealsms just replaced the standard sms app.

Swirly cost just over 5 quid and ireal just under a tenner carp exchange rates!!
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Iphonemms.net is great if you don't want to jailbreak your iPhone, otherwise read up on jailbreaking, as most of the publicised failings of the iPhone can be overcome with the exception of copy/paste although there is also a work around to some extent for that also now
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