Switch 810 Pump + Reservoir ideas

24 May 2011

My XSPC bay res + pump combo died and I'm looking to replace it. I'd rather not go with the same again as it vibrated the case to much so I'm looking at some alternatives.

I was thinking about going for a tube res and seperate pump. I'm a bit unsure of where I would mount each. I have a 7990 which takes up a bit of space so I couldn't put the tube res near the drive bays. I could put it at the back of the case and attach it there but I'm not sure how that would work? Could I use the exhaust grill somehow? (This is the main question)

Then the pump could go at the bottom of the case, perhaps mounted on the PSU?

Any ideas?
I can't really mount it where you have because of my 7990, that's why I'm asking if it can be mounted at the rear of the case at the exhaust grill somehow.
It wasn't ideal, but here is how I had mine mounted in the 810.


The res is mounted on the bottom of the optical bay utilizing an angled reservoir bracket:
This is attached using velcro and a bolted screw through a hole in the bottom of the bay.

The pump is held on using a thick cable tie and foam for the vibrations. Luckily this was placed where I could use a screw to secure it for transit (The sturdy tubing was more than enough to hold it though)


Now I am aware the 7990 is a few inches longer than the 670 I had in, but there was plenty of clearance for me to play around with a longer card. The res I used was also thinner than Nickolp1974's.
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