Switchbot networking

29 Nov 2005
I've bought and installed a Switchbot camera, which is working (only slight hitch is that the sound cuts in and out slightly, event though the WiFi reception is good), but I have some concerns about security and how the networking is supposed to work.

I have a Unifi mesh network and couldn't get the camera to connect using the guest WiFi network. Instead, I had to use the main WiFi (connected to the LAN). To mitigate this, I planned to change the IP of the cam to a subnet outside of the main LAN.
Only I can't see the camera as a device on the network (tried searching for the MAC address on the bottom of the cam).

How have you guys configured your Swtichbot devices on your network?

I have a 2nd camera and will probably create a dedcated test network to try and understand what this is actually doing.
Just managed to find this...
Using an iOS device, the only way to check the MAC address is to connect the Pan/Tilt Cam 2K to an Android device or PC running Windows 10 or later, since there is no 'Connected devices' item when using iPhone tethering. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

I wrongly assumed the serial number on the bottom of the cam was made up from the MAC address.
So it looks like I need to figure it out from the router, or use an Android device.
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Just in case anyone else has similar problems, I can't get Switchbot devices to work through the Unifi guest WiFi (it will only connect diretly to the LAN).
In the end, I had to create a segmented network and use an old WiFi router as an access point.
Switchbot support provided no response to my enquiry. :-(
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