Switchers to Linux/OSX - do you miss Windows?

26 Aug 2003
Since I got my Mac at home, I've barely touched my PC at all - a couple of times to play Oblivion, and that's it. I'm seriously considering selling my reasonably well-specced PC for parts, as I don't use it.

I'm trying to work out whether I'll miss it. I genuinely don't think I'll miss Windows at all, but I think I might miss games... particularly Oblivion (I can get it on the 360, not the same but it'll probably do) and Dawn of War (no alternative, that'll be bye bye!)...

What do you guys who've switched to Mac or gone Linux think? What do you miss about Windows, if anything?
See, since I got my Mac I've really found the 'switch' very easy, seeing as the whole reason I got a Mac was because I missed OSX which I used at work for two years 9-5, so the 'new' bits of it weren't really new to me. All I had to get accustomed to was improvements from 10.0.8 (I think) to Tiger, and to be honest they're not so much changes as additions mostly. Everything that was there is still there I think.

I do miss Oblivion though. It seems so silly to keep a PC I could probably hack to bits and sell for a few hundred quid just to play Oblivion and Daw of War, but I think I might actually end up keeping it :D
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