switching dual core-> single core cpu :: problems?

13 Feb 2003
I'm building a second rig, and want my current x2 in it, so I bought a 'cheap' athlon 3200 to replace in my current rig. Am I likely to experience problems with things like amd dual core drivers installed?
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If you run into problems it'll likely be at a lower level than the AMD driver. Windows will have installed the dual processor HAL (hardware abstraction layer) when you first installed windows on the X2 machine. Now I'm not sure how that's going to react to only having a single core CPU in there.

I remember there being tools in the windows resource kits for upgrading from single to dual processors but I can't recall if you had to do something to go the other way.
trojan698 said:
Same here, it shouldnt be a problem although I did uninstall the X2 driver before swapping over.

Sweet. Thats what I wanted to hear :cool:

I just got a 7800gt for a shuttle sn25p, so thought I should put the good proc in there ;)
I swapped back to a single core without uninstalling drivers - didnt notice any affects though it didnt install the dual ones again when i put a dualie back in
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