Swype/TouchPal alternative for iOS

Swype has been ported to iOS, but you need to be jailbroken to install it.

I downloaded the first release a few months ago and it wasn't a patch on the Android version, but it may have been improved since then.
Think it would suck anyway because of the size of the keyboard.

It does! Only reason I went Jailbreak on mine.... lasted 2 days with "Swype" constantly crashing and me having to reboot the iPad2.

The iPad's too big to make a trace keyboard useable IMHO. Even on the wife's Galaxy Tab I find real Swype a bit rubbish.

Just my ten pence. Typing on the iPad's pretty quick I think, even more so if my aforementioned lady wife likes using it.
Swype is awesome on Android, it removed one of my key annoyances that I had with a touch screen phone (iphone), as I came from a Blackberry and could type extremely quickly without looking.

I installed it start of the year and it worked well, they released an update about 2 months ago and it was dire. It would constantly override you're spelling even if you typed it in manually. They have since released another update that's resolved all of these issues. I find having to look at the screen and prod keys rather primitive.

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