sygate no more!?

sygate has always sucked imho. just too damn fiddly to setup and a very unfriendly user interface. i just use the xp firewall as i don't need outbound protection. :)
sygate 2.15 (the last freeware version) can be found in various places on the net

actually that's Kerio Firewall 2.15. Are these related somehow?
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Try Sunbelt Kerio ot Look'N'Stop, both are excellent and the last of the good firewalls along with Sygate before Symantec.
firewalls are said the windows XP one is fine, unless you run a server or anything i dont see the point of having one...

hmm i mean even my windows one is off now...i think it has been for weeks, and i doubt i have any probs..
A2Z said:
hmm i mean even my windows one is off now...i think it has been for weeks, and i doubt i have any probs..
Unless you're behind a NAT router, I really wouldn't recommend that. Hell, even if you are, the Windows Firewall is so unobtrusive that I'd still suggest leaving it on.
I have 2 computers and have one on zonealarm and one on kerio. Personally prefer Kerio it has a nice interface, comes up with a few windows when i use a new peice of software and asks what i want to do and thats it, you can also setup a user friendly install where no windows pops up and kerio is just in the background. Now zonealarm on the other hand really annoyed me, i went to open my EVE game and it instantly blocked it with no choice if i wanted it to or not, i then had to hunt through the horrible interface to find how to allow the access again :mad:

Also when u install the Kerio firewall u are getting the full thing as if u have bought it, although this only lasts for 30 days and then reverts to a simple firewall for free. But i think i am actually going to buy it becuase apparently i can get it for $9.95 a year which i think is just so cheap it would be daft not to buy it.
Last edited: that the right thing? Is it easy to set up to allow games and access to networks (inbound and out).
Also how much system resources does it use?
Finally guessing i'm going to have to swap sygate for it as that wont be having any updates etc?

Thanks :)
Hi Sandmaster500,

This is the right link Kerio Firewall .

It is very easy to setup as when u install it gives u 2 options the advanced one where windows pop up on the desktop asking what u want to allow block etc and then the noob/easy install that shows not pop ups and lets whatever u open to be allowed (i think, this seems rather dangerous to me and i did the advanced option)

Then the actual interface is very easy to use and see what programs u have allowed/blocked.

Not sure on the system memory as at work at the mo can tell u later though.

And yes its not advisable to keep using sygate as it won't have upto the date filters and theres nasty software appearing all the time.
just found out sygate is no more.
i'm still using it. it's the best firewall i've used. norton amd zonealarm sucked imo.

it won't be updated but am i in real danger if i keep using it. if so this keiro sounds like the next best thing. did you swap for it sandmaster500?
Yeah I discovered this a few days ago when I wanted to install the free version on my desktop.. :(

I'm just going to stick with the bog standard windows firewall and the nvidia one that came with my mobo, should be fine.
Cruiser - I haven't swapped yet with the PC that was running sygate. But have put it on my main system and if you chose advanced user thing then it is good. Comes up with a window when something trys to get in/out and then you can change your preferences. You can have it so it doesn't come up with a window but i haven't tried it yet. Going to be swapping with the other computer soon (when i get round to it).

Thinking i might setup a hardware firewall (using smoothwall linux) sometime if i ever upgrade the other computer. Anyone tried this?

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