Sync chared directory between 2 NAS drives?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Could someone point me in the right direction please. I have a simple Synology NAS set up with one shared directory that I would like to backup to an another offsite synology NAS. I know little of rsync but this seems to be the most common suggestion that crops up when Ive been trying to research it.

Any info really appreciated thanks

Edit - damn typo in the title! x
Have look at Robocopy, put a script around it and schedule it to run each night or what ever period you like. But period must be greater than the time for Robocopy to finish.

The downside is that you will need a Windows PC to run it!

The key option for copying over the web are:

/mir Mirrors a directory tree (equivalent to /e plus /purge)
/r:<N> Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. The default value of N is 1,000,000 (one million retries).
/w:<N> Specifies the wait time between retries, in seconds. The default value of N is 30 (wait time 30 seconds).
/ipg:n Specifies the inter-packet gap to free bandwidth on slow lines (limits bandwidth used).

objShell.Run("c:\windows\system32\robocopy.exe ""<source>"" ""<destination>"" /MIR /W:1 /R:1 /ipg:200")

<source> = \\remoteNAS1\Backup$ (Network shared folder or mapped drive)
<destination> =\\remoteNAS2\Backup$ (Network shared folder or mapped drive)
ipg:200 = 200ms gap between packets sent, trial and error is best to determine the value use
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Two Synology NAS units have this feature built in - check out the Cloud Station app. Install Cloud Station on your remote NAS and Cloud Station client on the local NAS, and the interface is pretty easy to figure out.
If you want to delve a bit deeper you could set a scheduled task within the normal Synology interface to stop the cloud station client during working hours, say, to save bandwidth, and start the sync at maybe 7pm.
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