Syncing full resolution photos to my touch?

1 Aug 2003
How do I do this!?

I've looked at the help section of itunes and it says, 'To also move the full-resolution versions of these photos to your iPod, select "Include full-resolution photos."

I can't see this "Include full-resolution photos." option anywhere!?

Does anyone know where this option is in itunes (7.5)?

Any help much appreciated.
I'm not getting this at all in my version of itunes.. :confused::confused:

I can't even copy over songs to the touch either! (yes I'm a apple newbie) I thought you could just drag an album over to the touch in the device menu and it would be copied over? When I try it I just get a circle icon with a line through it, meaning I can't copy??????

This is driving me nuts! I thought apple were meant to be easy!

Please can anyone help me out here!?
Itunes has a library, you can sync your touch with the library.. add your album to the library and sync the music, i tend to sync playlists.

As for photos, on your ipod panel in itunes you should have summary/music/movies/photos/
I've sorted the music syncing problem. You have to click the tick box for manually managing music...

I still can't see any dialog which will let me sync my photos at full res...

Gord, yes I do have Summery/Music/Movies/TV Shows/Podcasts/Photos. When i choose the Photos tab I get the option to sync photos from a selected folder (which I've chosen) and then choose which sub folders to add. Thats all fine. However I'm not getting any dialog or tick box or anything which says to sync my photos at full resolution. Argh, it driving me nuts!

Can someone who is using the latest itunes (7.5) check and see if this tick box is on theirs?

Any ideas anyone?
Heres what it looks like on mine with the option clearly circled :)

Thanks for the post electric ant.

Thats is bizarre, I do not get that option in my itunes. What version are you running!? And what ipod are you using?

I getting really frustrated with all this! :(

I'm now finding that some of my album art isn't showing up on my touch either, even though it shows up fine in itunes!? :( :mad:
AFAIK you cannot do that on the touch or iphone because you cannot get disk access on them, which is how the full res images work, they are stored in the photo's folder on your ipod in disk mode and if you have no disk mode (ipod touch and iphone) then there is no way to do it.
Thanks for clearing that up guys.

Wow thats amazingly **** isn't it! Totally ruins the whole 'being able to touch zoom and move around' stuff Apple are so keen to tout. :mad:

Can anyone else help me with my other problem of not being able to sync certain album art? I've tried deleting it from my touch and re importing it from itunes but some of my albums refuse to show the art on my touch!? As I said it shows up fine in itunes...
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