System Boot Problem : No Graphics Card Power

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
My old system that ive cobbled together doesnt work.

Theres no bios beeps, its just blank. All the fans, and disks come on

but the graphics card doesnt appear to power up as the fan doesnt spin regardless of what AGP card i use.

what does this mean has gone ?


just thought id add

its a really old TNT2 being a PC made of spare parts, so it doesnt need an extra floppy power cable like the 9700 or a PCI-E power lead.
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tryed both new and old AGP cards

makes no difference

and the mobo is quite new, so should be backwards compatible. And im sure i had this graphcis card working in this mobo at some point.


also tryed a PCI graphics card, wont boot at all with that

i think the mobo must be duff, as it never even gets round to making any bios beeps. Stuff powers up, fans, hds DVD etc.. but no "booting" type noises.
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