"system failed CPU test" female voice..

6 Dec 2005
Cambridge, UK.
Okay so today my dad was using my old gaming rig to surf the web (2.8GHz P4C, which for about a year was run at 3.2GHz, then another year at 3.35GHz). It has an Asus P4C800-E motherboard, and when I stopped playing a game/music on my other PC, very faintly I could hear a strange noise.

Eventually I worked out it was from the direction of my old PC and turned up the volume and it was deffo something comming from the speakers (but they are monitor speakers so couldn't really hear), anyway just now I connected the PC up to my sub and low and behold its the female asus self test woman thingy saying "system failed CPU test" over and over and over and over again..

The PC was being used to surf the internet for about 4 hours straight whilst this alarm was sounding in the background, and a reboot fixed the problem, but what I want to know is what the hell caused this? I thought if a CPU test failed it would stop the PC from booting?

The CPU temp was around 32-34c throughout the day (whilst being used) so I dont think its heat related? Should I be looking in upgrading this trusty old PC to something better or is it still likely to continue to work for years to come?

Any thoughts?
6 Dec 2005
Cambridge, UK.
Oops I forgot to mention, its been running at stock settings for about 2 months! - Mainly because it doesn't need to be overclocked to surf the internet any more. Also, I did have some proper speakers connected up to it untill a few weeks ago, as they are no longer used and just get dusty and look a mess :) (so I would have heard it if it had happened before)
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