"System failed due to CPU overclocking"

23 Oct 2002
Argh, my PC died last night... just in the middle of watching something and it powers down, like the power cable had been pulled out or something.
On reboot i get the dreaded "System failed due to CPU overclocking" voice post from the motherboard. I got no video, and the machine locked.
This system has been going strong for over 3 years now and has had no recent changes.

I've reset the CMOS but this seems to have made matters worse, it now powers on (no video again), i dont get any voice post message (instead i get a kind of stuttering noise) and then it automatically powers off.
I've tried swapping the RAM around and everything looks in order (CPU seated ok...)

Any Ideas?


Asus A8V Deluxe
Athlon 3500+
Geil 1gb
9800 radeon

Run the mobo and cpu completely alone, reset CMOS and see what beep code you get.

Work your way up from there providing the CPU is actually coherent, could have course be the mobo at fault.
with just mobo + CPU = no post at all but fans start up
mobo + CPU + RAM = no VGA voice message
mobo + CPU + RAM + GFX = stutter noise and power down

GFX problem?
put in another GFX card and got the "no VGA card connected" voice POST, the GFX definetely works as im using it right now. Any reason why it shouldn't have worked?
Motherboard to blame?
Argh! I could really do with some help here.
New motherboard is in the system right now and guess what:
its doing the excact same thing, first i got the "System failed due to CPU overclocking" post, and onrestting the CMOS, it just powers down as it tries to post (you can hear the audio stuttering).
With no graphics card i get "failed VGA test" post, and using a different graphics card that i know works i get "failed VGA test".

to summerise:

first boot with new mobo: "System failed due to CPU overclocking"
after restting the CMOS: powers down as it posts
without the graphics card: "failed VGA test" but doesn't power down
with a fully working gfx card: "failed VGA test" but doesn't power down

any ideas, this is really frustrating!
I've got two chips, so I've just used one... and swapped them around... so unless they are both dead i don't think its that.
PSU i would have thought is the only feasible option left, unless,as u say, both RAM sticks have died.

Although, correct me if i am wrong, with the error coming up saying that 'system failed due to overclocking' could the CPU be knackered?
as soon as I clear the CMOS, that error goes and it starts to turn itself off as it struggles to post... so I've only got it twice (on each motherboard). It could be the CPU, i've got no way of testing but it looks fine.
I just got this as well but i restarted the pc and now it works but it seems to be going quite slow. Im wondering whats about to die on my 3 year old pc. Gota liast out till the new gts comes out.
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