I have a core 2 Quad system that always displays the same issue when powering up from an off (as opposed to sleep) state, at power up, the CPU fans spin but I have no output to VGA until I reset (via the reset switch) anything from once to twenty + times, once the system finally posts and boots up, it restarts fine again with no hang no matter how many restarts or resets I do, as soon as I shut down the hang on post returns....?
The system is running a Q8300, 8gb DDR2, Foxconn p45al mobo, GTX260 896 MB, 1 DVD ROM and 1 SATA 500gb HD with an old Antec 650w psu.....
I'm assuming it's a power supply issue? It only happens at power up, The system otherwise runs fine.
The system is running a Q8300, 8gb DDR2, Foxconn p45al mobo, GTX260 896 MB, 1 DVD ROM and 1 SATA 500gb HD with an old Antec 650w psu.....
I'm assuming it's a power supply issue? It only happens at power up, The system otherwise runs fine.