T-Minus 4 Days, 10 Hours and Counting! Something is coming!

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
OcUK and Caseking have worked hard with a certain case manufacturer to bring a new and exciting product to the market.


We have teamed with them from the start and discuss various aspects of a new product, and helped mould the final product. We truely believe that this case will be amazing and offers a new and exciting case for the masses.

Remember guys! 5 Days and counting! We may give more hints and clues over the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled on our forums/website/facebook/twitter pages :)

15th October is very exciting!

That is all!
Hmmm, Phantom 820 perhaps replacing the Switch according to one article I've read.

I have to say the one thing the phantom lacks is the watercooling support but increasing the size inside will make the whole unit HUGE with all the plastic on the top/front - think I'll stick with chopping my original phantom to bits!
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