T-Mobile - HTC branded phone support!?

22 Oct 2004
Right, ok, being that T-Mobile take HTC phones and then rebrand them up, who the heck am I supposed to go to for support when the hardware goes wrong?

Basically, the GPS on my diamond has gone **** up. I have reverted my diamond back to the stock TMob ROM to test (which comes with a donkey old radio) and still no joy. I have downloaded the HTC GPS Test Tool to see that it does connect to the GPS using, but just doesnt receive anything signal from sats.

I have just phoned up TMob CS and they were pants. They gave me a website which is for CoPilot (which I dont even use). Obviously, they havent got a clue on how to sort the issue out, and I am pretty sure its a hardware issue (unless someone on here knows how it fix it).

Has anyone with a TMob branded device managed to get HTC to fix any issues they have had with it?

What the heck am I supposed to do?
If its sold by Tmobile ie Tmobile branded then Tmobile are the ones who you go to...unless your out of the warranty period your pretty much screwed and might have to get in touch with HTC.
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