T-Mobile Upgrades

18 Oct 2002
Seems the mobile companies don't want to hang on to you anymore. For the last 7 or so years I've not paid for an upgrade and now I've asked for a SE W810 they want £130 from me.
This months bill was £132, last months £240 etc and they still want me to pay?

I asked for my PAC code and it was given to me straight away. Orange here I come.
I'm undecided between Vodafone and Orange. I normally buy my phones from CPW as many come unbranded but they don't have any W810's in stock yet.

I want as many mins as poss with around 500 txts

Orange = Panther 75 + 500 txts = £97.00

Vodafone = Anytime 1000 + 500 txts = £75

The Vodafone price is very attractive but I've not heard good things about their phone branding. Can anyone comment at all or Dolph, can you give me a good reason to def join Orange?

O2 and 3 are a no go so lets not go there.
I rang T-Mobile a couple of weeks ago and was told I had to pay. I was then offered £5 off my line rental if I kept my D500. Not content with that, I said no, came off the phone and rang straight back to speak to someone else. He also said I had to pay, looked at my bills and offered me £15 off my monthly line rental if I kept my D500.

Once again I said no. New customers get 25% off and a free phone so £15 is not good enough for me.
I rang back again this morning which was when I was told that I could have £50 off a handset, leaving £130 to pay for the W810.

I'm fed up with asking them now and my PAC number was given to me without hesitation. I'll take my money elsewhere, just got to decide where now :rolleyes:

Edit: I'm also not interested in 18 month plans.
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csmager said:
As has been said many times in this forum, they only give you what you're worth. If you don't spend enough on line rental to pay for a new phone and still make them a decent profit, they're not interested.

So £75 line rental + £10 txt bundle isn't enough per month?
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