table problem.....(I'm learning web design from scratch okay!)

18 Oct 2002
Manchester, UK
Have a look here

I'm trying to 'hide' the table borders, so the whole thing just appears white (where it is meant to anyway). How do I go about this? Been stumped for some time now! :( If possible, the 2 border edges along the date bar thing, would it be possible to keep them the dark grey?


you need to add cellspacing="0" and cellpadding="0" to the <table> element to get rid of the borders.
If you're learning from scratch, then you certainly shouldn't be starting by picking up old techniques and using tables for layout. Mark up your content with HTML, and style the document and layout with CSS :).

When to use tables:
CSS is far easier to learn in the long run than tables.

You'll hit a brick wall sooner or later when you start wanting more advanced designs.
iCraig said:
CSS is far easier to learn in the long run than tables.

You'll hit a brick wall sooner or later when you start wanting more advanced designs.
I concurr, oh and please to god do not use that logo in the final version of your site :).
I've been using CSS for formatting the text within the tables.... :p

just on w3schools and following it through on there thats why I've picked up on the tables.

Thanks for the help JonD and the info for everyone else! much appreciated! :)

RandomTom said:
I concurr, oh and please to god do not use that logo in the final version of your site :).

I'm not sure.. I think the JPEG's need compressing more..
iCraig said:
I'm not sure.. I think the JPEG's need compressing more..
yeh i suppose i know what you mean; the 3kb does take a bit too long to download, he should probably get it down to 1kb tbh.


edit: p.s we're not getting at you violently, tis in jest...
iCraig i'll give you a photoshop competetion to create him a new logo, pity i already made something out of boredom & escapism from revision;


RandomTom said:
iCraig i'll give you a photoshop competetion to create him a new logo, pity i already made something out of boredom & escapism from revision;



the battle commences! :p
  • Get stock photo of clouds
  • Adjust levels and hue
  • Masturbate
  • Add typeface
  • Select suitable colours
  • Decrease lettering space
  • Add colour dodge and linear burn to parts of clouds
  • Hump monitor
  • Add tagline and adjust colour
  • Crop
  • Save
  • Hump monitor
  • Upload
  • Post
iCraig said:
  • Get stock photo of clouds
  • Adjust levels and hue
  • Masturbate
  • Add typeface
  • Select suitable colours
  • Decrease lettering space
  • Add colour dodge and linear burn to parts of clouds
  • Hump monitor
  • Add tagline and adjust colour
  • Crop
  • Save
  • Hump monitor
  • Upload
  • Post

You forgot:

  • Profit
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