Tado Users - Possible Subs Charges Incoming

15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
So they are testing the waters with their BS 'marketing' as they say. It is only £1 a month but that isn't the point as it paves the way for future increases in price as per every other subscription out there. I've got my setup hooked into Homekit so I can still (and will) do away with the Tado app if they go down this route. The other smart home hubs like Alexa and G.Home can also be used in place of the app but obviously a functionality is lost.

I've got Tado at my place since 2020 and at my mothers since 2018 iirc. She hasn't got a homekit setup so I may need to look at something in future (get her a cheap apple hub).

It has left me quite peeved really. I've recommended/or installed Tado in so many peoples homes over the past years. My elderly mother has it at her home so if she gets locked out somehow I will be absolutely raging.
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