Take full picture and resize?

17 Mar 2004
Hi, quick question.

Say if I wanted an image at 1024x768 would it be best for me to take the image at a bigger resolution as possible and resize, or take it at 1024x768? What would give the best quality or is there no difference?

if your taking pictures for means other than putting on the web - ie you want to print some - go as large as you can. Its always better to scale down an image than scale up:)
My advice would be to never take photos at anything less than your camera's maximum resolution. You never know when the shot you thought was only going on the web will turn out to be the one you want framed on your wall.
I suggest you take all your photos at max res and back them up to CD ROM.

If you then want a photo either for the web or printing.. Open, Save as and then make your alterations +/- as you see fit. That way YOU will have more options open to you.

If you take your shots at a lower res your won't have so many options, certainly not so many good ones.
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