Take the Uni of Teeside - History of Games test

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Idiot: "Hi prospective employer i have a degree in computer games history"

Employer: "The chips are over there, you'll find the Big Mac's and other burgers dispensed there."

Well i took the test (not for real) and i think i did quite well.


Edit: Ok its not a degree mearly a module, still....
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Maniac618 said:
oi! I do computer games at portsmouth, don't take the **** out of one the most fun degrees there is around. Bet you're doing some boring course. ;)

I don't care if you get paid more at the end of the day, I had fun at Uni, and not just at night!


I was thinking of doing a computer games masters, but i couldn't be bothered. Anyway most of the time you need more than just a degree to get into the games industry, i should know. :)
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