Taking a DSLR on holiday

30 Sep 2003
I'm going on holiday next weekend and am considering whether or no to take my DSLR or just stick with my compact. I've got a few questions that people who travel with their DSLRs may be able to answer.

1) I take a lot of photos on holiday (200 - 400 a week normally) and with the best will in the world I'm never going to get round to post processing all of them. Should I still bother with RAW or just fire them off in JPEG? If I do go the RAW route is there a quick way of adding blacks and sharpness to all my photos as a batch leaving me the ability to post process just the really nice photos? I have Lightroom if that makes a difference but am a real amateur with it.

2) I have a Jessops Gadget Bag that came with the camera and it is pretty clunky. Do you have any recommendations for a more compact bag that will still protect my D5100 with 18-50 kit lens with a pocket for a few SD cards?

3) We are traveling light (aka on the cheap ;) ) and have only got one bag between the two of us going in the hold and taking a carry on bag each with the rest of our clothes on to the plane. Will my camera have to go in the bag or can I hang it off my neck? Will the fact it is in a bag effect this? I'm flying with Thomson and am not 100% sure on their policy, although I will call them to check if my online search for info remains fruitless.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Thanks for all of the advice. Because we were being cheap and only went for one check in bag I can't make taking my DSLR work this time round no matter how much I try and juggle stuff between bags. Looks like it will be my (rather basic) compact this time round :(

I hope we'll be getting away later in the year and that time we'll be driving so weight won't be a problem and I'll take both cameras.
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