Taking a photo of framed film cells?

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Can someone help me here. I've been trying to take a photo of framed film cells, problem is it obviously needs some light from behind to highlight the cells.

Also when taking the photo the flash reflects badly off of the glass on the front.

Some help please, I'm have no idea how to use my £200 flash :rolleyes:
PaulStat said:
Can someone help me here. I've been trying to take a photo of framed film cells, problem is it obviously needs some light from behind to highlight the cells.

Also when taking the photo the flash reflects badly off of the glass on the front.

Some help please, I'm have no idea how to use my £200 flash :rolleyes:

Couple of options,

Take the shot with the flash aimed up and use a piece of white cardboard to bounce it towards to the glass, with slightyl longer exposure.

If the flash has a sync cable then detach it and aim it at an angle across the camera so you dont get reflection.

Or, dont use flash and get some lamps aimed at it at angles again so you dont get reflection.

Have you got some sort of stand or clamp that you can hold the frame, and place a lampshade underneath?? then flash from the side!
Do you have a light box - the type you put slide transparancies on?

Could you place them on the light box and crop in tight?

*EDIT* Sorry, didn't properly read your post..they are framed in with glass!
hi, i would use a light box if you have one. alternativly, you could just put some white paper on a window and then put the film cells on top. It could be a bit awkward but i suppose it could work. If you do this when it is nice and sunny you shouldn't need flash. If you could, shoot these in RAW so you can crop them nice and accurately. Good luck, regards, David :)
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