Taking pictures indoors

12 Jan 2009
That flash is compatible with my NX1000 but in S2 mode only, I'm downloading the manual from the Honk Kong website but its taking ages. Is that lighting kit good enough for what I need it for?
That means it'll work as an optical slave, so your Samsung will fire the built in flash which will then trigger the 560III. If i remember correctly for that flash, S1 means it fires first time, S2 means it'll ignore any 'pre' flash (red eye, focusing flash) and fire on the second flash of your Samsung.

As to whether it'll work for what you need, no one can answer that as you've only given very vague example of what you want to do and your expectations. My guess would be no, but that really is a guess and not an educated one either!

I'll be taking pictures like these: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=v...SAhAfp5ICIAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1129&bih=965
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