taking the cover off a dell's tower??

2 Nov 2002
taking the cover off a Dell Dimension 2400's tower?

so i'm trying to get into my friends dell computer and i have no idea how to take the cover off the tower.. can anyone point me in the right direction before i end up ripping it off?

strange request i know but its beggining to annoy me.

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Dell Dimension 2400
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open up the side panel, and there should be 2 (metal-type) clips either side of the cd-drive at the front of the case (or somethwere near the top on either side). Press them down and pull the cover off.
We use those at college and they look like a basic take the screw out and push back and the case comes off?

Maybe the entire side and top come off together? Have you checked for any release clips on the back/bottom of the case? Maybe you have to take the top of the case off to get the sides ofF?
Oh are you talking about just taking the side panel off? There should be a black hatch at the back of the case, pull it down (or up) whilst sliding the side panel off towards you.
v_man said:
Oh are you talking about just taking the side panel off? There should be a black hatch at the back of the case, pull it down (or up) whilst sliding the side panel off towards you.
If it's not thumb screws it's this; push the plastic thing down then push the side towards the back of the case. After that remove as normal.
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