Taking the spare key?

16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Random question, when on a road trip abroad would you take your spare key?
I mean, I've never lost a key but can only imagine what a ballache that would be in the middle of Europe.
Random question, when on a road trip abroad would you take your spare key?
I mean, I've never lost a key but can only imagine what a ballache that would be in the middle of Europe.

Personally only bother if I've got a family member with me who can hold onto the spare, chances are if you lose one you'd probably lose both or the spare would be inside the already locked vehicle :s (EDIT: Though I guess at least you can drive it once you've got into the vehicle in that situation).
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haven't done so, unless w/ family .. but maybe an airtag ? or,
just good 2-step methodology to ensure you always stow it securely, usually put front door key in poly bag then in pocket when cycling.
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