Talk me out of getting on my Vespa right now, and going into town to buy a PocketPOD

4 Sep 2005
I have had a surge of inspiration over the last couple of days and have lots of material I want to record. But we've just had guests turn up so I can't mic up my amp. And I get awful tones when I use the direct out on it.

Shall I buy one? I have the money but.. I don't know.

Talk you out of it?

If you buy a PocketPOD, you'll overload on poserishness on your way home from town on your Vespa whilst thinking about those inspired tunes you have to record for prosperity because you're the next Bob Dylan.

Sorry you did ask!
Luckily my brother is buying himself one of those. :o

I've just read on their website though, that the Pocket Pod is a class compliant MIDI device and you can't record directly via USB. When I asked the person in the shop and he said I could, and this is the ONLY reason I bought it. :mad:
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