talk to me about making home made burgers

25 Jul 2010
so many ways on the tinterweb about this but please share how you make yours.

i will be making a few tonight for some guests so would like some ideas.
500g of mince from the butcher about 20% fat generally a coarser cut than supermarkets
1tsp mustard
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp smoked hot paprika
salt and pepper

mix by hand until all ingredients incorporated. No resting time.

Use my plastic burger press to make 2 thick and even burgers. No resting time. I really think for thick burgers a press is superior to hand formed. More even thickness cooks better. For thin burgers like smash burgers it is different.

Heat pan to a medium high heat. Oil the first side slightly cook for 4 minutes each side then turn every 2 mins until it's cooked to your preference. I always want well done because fatty meat needs time for the fat to break down and make a juicy burger. I top with back and cheese use the pan lid to help melt the cheese before putting on a crusty bun dressed as I please. Often just onion marmalade on the bottom.
If you can’t make your own mince, get 20% fat mince.

Cast Iron skillet or a Hot Plate. Get it to about 200c.

Butter the buns, put it down and toast them first.

In a small packet of Mince, which are the 500g size. I split it into quarters with a burger flipper thing, so now I have 125g patty size. Almost a quarter pounder each without using scales.

Pick 1 quarter up, put on the pan straight from the packet.

Put the burger flipper on top and squash it down flat, then season. Wait 90seconds. During this time get the sliced American Cheese ready.

Flip, season, put cheese on top.

Then I put a lid on. Wait 90seconds.

Then assemble your burger as you pleased.

I like it this way because it is so easy.

1 - No need to pre-shape anything, pre-make anything.

2 - minimal ingredients, no fancy egg or onion. No cheese stuff patty.

It’s simple, I can make it the same amount of time to make a pot noodle.

Agree you need high fat mince.

Personally I put onion in, which I'll put in a food processor first so it's diced up real fine, I'll put an egg and tiny bit of cornflour which will bind it all.

Salt and pepper.

You can then flavour with whatever you fancy, good suggestions above, I quite like a bit of soy.

Edit: actually whilst I think about it, there is a temptation to go nuts with flavouring your patty, all wierd and wonderful stuff, but remember the patty is just one part of the burger, you'll have your cheese, salad, sauces, relish, gherkins etc, so I think more often then not it's better to keep it simple with the patty.
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500g of mince from the butcher about 20% fat generally a coarser cut than supermarkets
1tsp mustard
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp smoked hot paprika
salt and pepper

mix by hand until all ingredients incorporated. No resting time.

Use my plastic burger press to make 2 thick and even burgers. No resting time. I really think for thick burgers a press is superior to hand formed. More even thickness cooks better. For thin burgers like smash burgers it is different.

Heat pan to a medium high heat. Oil the first side slightly cook for 4 minutes each side then turn every 2 mins until it's cooked to your preference. I always want well done because fatty meat needs time for the fat to break down and make a juicy burger. I top with back and cheese use the pan lid to help melt the cheese before putting on a crusty bun dressed as I please. Often just onion marmalade on the bottom.

Man after my own heart with the Smoked Paprika, mine is similar to this, but swap the mustard and cumin for finely diced/chopped red onion and some dried garlic granules. as I usually make these for 6+ people along with other BBQ stuff, i usually sous vide them and then Mayo Sear over direct coals to finish them.
Honestly sod all the "gourmet" burger recipes or mega-huge patties. It's all about the smash burgers. Two patties = twice the flavour. It's gotta be american cheese slices too, nothing comes close.

Can't remember what's in that recipe, but we make a simple burger sauce (ketchup, mayo, gherkins, white vinegar I think), fry some onions/shallot. Mustard on the bottom bun (toasted of course), burger sauce on the other. Two patties, cheese melted on both. Top with your onions and gherkins. Profit.

I use a potato masher covered in foil to smash 'em good. Works ok in my pan, hopefully my incoming new kitchen/cooker will enable a proper hotplate/griddle thing.
Hot plate, smash a ball of mince on it (2 for each burger), salt/pepper each side when cooking, couple of minutes each side for a nice crust. Toasted burger bun, cheese, done.

Gotta say I've tried lots of home made burger recipes and nothing comes close to the smash burgers with salt/pepper seasoning done correctly. Smash plate olis the best thing I've ever bought for home made burgers.

Those who've tried it know!
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