Tallest mountain in South Korea...!

6 May 2004
London, UK
Hi Guys,

I finally decided to go through some photos I took during hiking the tallest mountain in the South Korean peninsula, called Seoraksan*. The tallest point (which I reached, btw!) is 1708m / 5600ft and just thinking about the pain of coming back down makes me want to cry :p

Anyway, so I have some photos that I've done a bit of work on each - only a few out of the 250 or so I took over the two-day trip. Enjoy!



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PS. *Actually, the tallest mountain in Korea is called Hallasan but it's in an island off the main peninsula, so Seoraksan is the highest mountain in the actual peninsula itself. Thought I should own up to this technicality before anyone else points it out :p
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Thanks for the comments everyone - well, I'm not going back up anytime soon just to see whether I can get clearer weather :p As I said, the pain of coming back down from the mountain, I wouldn't wish on anyone! I didn't have too much time to spend on each of the pictures so I suppose there's still some work to be done such as cropping.

FranchiseJuan and PaulStat: Thanks for your advice. I'll bear it in mind when I work on these photos further. Paul - Your crop does look better... thanks!

Mr_Sukebe: It's haze, not smog! :eek: It's way too far away from Seoul to be covered in the usual layer of smog.

ste_bla said:
Out of interest, did you go up with a guide or just on your own and how long did it take you?
I went with my dad, who was a little more experienced than me (zero experience) It's a very popular mountain so you more or less follow a pre-established route to the top. Don't let that fool you into thinking it's just a gentle stroll on a hill, however!

It took 9 hours of climbing on the first day, then we stayed overnight in some lodge, and then took 10 hours to climb back down (through a longer, different route). I think I lost 2kg over the two days...! (probably all sweat, but it was the first time I became under 90kg!)
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