*taps on shoulder*

21 Jul 2011
Hi all
I am trying to find a safe home for my technical queries though i'm not sure if i'll get laughed off the board for asking the obvious?! :confused:

yes i have switched it on and tried reboot so don't panic, it's some questions on a memory upgrade and some software help etc

Welcome :).

If you don't want to be laughed at, don't post something stupid in General Discussion :p. You should be fine in the Hardware sections though :D.
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Yep, avoid GD :D But as long as you post in the right section and stay respectful, you'll have no trouble :)
Hey Tomsan1 :)

Welcome! There are some pretty handy folk around the forum, so just start up a thread in the appropriate board and I'm sure someone will be able to help you :)

See you around! :)
Don't avoid GD, it's where it's at, just don't ask about your problems there (unless you are incapable of running your own life/having faith issues/unsure how to use your microwave/incapable of speaking to women etc. in which case fire away);)
Thanks guys i'll bear that in mind! Great welcome, I am tempted to post in GD now just to test the boundaries :D
I won't though

So, about those women things.......
And kitchen appliances....
And the meaning of life?!....

Carefully aimed Qs to follow
Thanks and hello again:)
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