task manager (again..........)

17 Nov 2003
I have asked this before , but have forgotton and cant find the answer that you nice people told me!!!!!!
Task manager has gone silly..........
it is only showing the proccesses..........I dont get the option to change to performance etc....there is no menu button etc......

I know it is simple to put right but for the love of GOD I cant remember how...

Please help a poor simpleton lol :confused:

I've done exactly the same at least twice and spent a good half hour or so pressing buttons and clicking lots in the hope of it sorting out!
Wile E. Coyote said:
Isn't it strange how sometimes the most simple task becomes the most difficult because the brain just won't engage?

I have this problem continuously. Head memory is borked and as much as i google i cannot find an updated driver or quick fix.
Fortunetly i have intelligent friends who understand and do Not judge me for it and help me out loads. I am continuously ringing friends for clarity.

Thanks guys, you know who you are. :cool:
Try downloading a free application called 'Process Explorer' (google it). It's more functional than task manager, and you can also set it to take over taskman's job. :)
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