Taskbar on side in Win11?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Got an annoying problem with Windows11, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the taskbar on the left side of the screen. Tried checking it's not locked, dragging it, going into taskbar settings etc. There is a position setting you can set to left but all it does is put the icons on the left side of the taskbar, not actually move the taskbar to the left side.

Any ideas how to fix this?
As in vertical taskbar? AFAIK isn't currently supported in Windows 11.

There was an entry about it on the feedback hub and MS basically, though not in so many words, said not enough people use it like that so they aren't worth bothering about.........
Surely it can't be that hard to implement though?
Taskbar at the bottom just seems illogical to me now most monitors are widescreen, you have loads of horizontal real estate relative to vertical so why on earth would you want to use up space at the bottom of the screen? Especially given websites, documents etc tend to flow downwards. It also consumes more pixels at the bottom of the screen compared to the side so you get to see less of your actual applications.
Got an annoying problem with Windows11, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the taskbar on the left side of the screen. Tried checking it's not locked, dragging it, going into taskbar settings etc. There is a position setting you can set to left but all it does is put the icons on the left side of the taskbar, not actually move the taskbar to the left side.

Any ideas how to fix this?

03 Top taskbar worked fine
02 Right taskbar broken with keyboard language and no icons
01 Bottom taskbar (default)
00 Left taskbar broken with keyboard language and no icons

I tried all above and preferred bottom taskbar. I dont know why on earth few people like left or right taskbar it looked horrible mess on Windows 10 with tiny horizontal scroll bar to find icons and action center slide over right taskbar looked terrible so it looked much better and nice on bottom taskbar.
Tiny scroll bar is only an issue if you have a lot of different applications open simultaneously and/or have a lower resolution monitor. I can understand how people who have huge numbers of pinned/open applications might prefer a horizontal taskbar but I don't tend to that and bar at the bottom just wastes loads of space and shrinks the amount of vertical space.
I tried all above and preferred bottom taskbar. I dont know why on earth few people like left or right taskbar it looked horrible mess on Windows 10 with tiny horizontal scroll bar to find icons and action center slide over right taskbar looked terrible so it looked much better and nice on bottom taskbar.

If you have an ultra wide monitor then left or right makes sense and is quite logical. Saves also having a super wide taskbar. App icons are also then readily available in a convenient place top left area of the screen which feels more natural. I sit slightly left to the middle of the screen anyway on a 34" ultra wide so this feels the best location and never have I seen a scroll bar on the taskbar. With 12 apps open I still have room for another 10 or so on the taskbar for example.
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