Tassimo water changes

19 Dec 2003
Hey folks, for those of you who have a Tassimo machine, we have recently gotten one at work, and the water capacity is fairly big compared to the usual ones (1.2L) are you 'supposed' to change the water daily like you would a kettle? Just that we could use it over a couple of days rather than refilling it every day unnecessarily - and the kettle boils all the water all the time hence the need to change it, whereas this Tassimo only heats what you use?
Why would you even need to change the water in the kettle every day?

The one at work, at home we don't as it's filled as much as we need, but at work it gets filled in the morning and boiled several times throughout the day, thus the quality of water lessens and impairs the taste of hot drinks (just like one of those giant water pot things)
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