Tax office chasing me

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
For underpayment made 2016-2017 by my employer. Am I still liable? Furthermore, I've only just received the demand and the employer is no longer trading.
Same thing happened to two and a half years back, could have paid them back in one go but opted to pay them back over 3 years.

Sick to death of them really. They've done this on me every year since 2016. I think it's about time they did things right.
did you change jobs in this period of time with any type of bonus scheme paid? i did and this caused issues. opted to pay it back over the year through my tax code change


No. Tax code was also correct. Just the one job throughout. The only change instigated around then (2016) was the introduction of the workplace pension (if I remember correctly?). Obviously I'll contact HMRC- but having to do this over and over again for the last four years -is a bit much.
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