Tax question

30 Aug 2004
So far I have earned £5700 working from september where I am now. Before I worked for a month or so and earned about £500. So £6200.

Am i right in thinking that as its coming up to April I can claim so tax back as everyone gets a tax free limit of about £4800?

Therefore I should only be paying tax (10%) on £1400. So up till April I should be paying a total of £140 in tax, instead of £130 a month.

LAst month I did get about £600 back as I was on emergency tax and they were stealing about £240 off me for the first 2 months, but I can go through and add up all the tax i have paid and deduct my rebates to find out if I am owed money
NerveAgent said:
I am in the same position (also I was on emergency tax BR code for a while) and have been told to send off my P60? when I get it along with any P45's to my local office.

I was in the same position, i needed my P45 from sports NO SWEARING, Big Kev before i could get tax back. however they took over 2 months getting it too me. thanks for that :rolleyes:
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