Teaching someone to develop using wordpress

4 Oct 2008
Hey guys,

Just need a bit of advice to see if what I'm planning to do is a good idea.

So my GF wants to become a front end developer, she has a CS degree but has been working in support for the last few years. So last week I decided to teach her. I started off being teaching her the basics ideas of how sites work and she seemed to understand it all, we set up Ubuntu on her machine and installed a standard LAMP Stack. I then decided to install WordPress.

My plan is to help her build a WordPress theme from scratch so we can go through all the HTML and CSS for a basic sites, we won't be doing anything to complicated at first. We will then move on to some basic javascript just so she gets an idea of how Javascript works. I am hoping to then introduce a bit of jQuery from some fancier stuff and teach her a bit about CDNs and JavaScript frameworks.

After we have all that down, which I think will be a solid base I plan to upgrade the current theme. Introduce SASS, and build a responsive site. Then we will get into slightly more complicated JavaScript and jQuery and build some actual UX with it, doesn't need to actual do anything amazing more just for experience. And with this we can learn about all the joys of JavaScript scope, and closure and so on.

After this I think she will be at a point where she should be a decent Front end Developer. And with all the work we have done we can put it on Github so she has a decent portfolio. And we intend to make a blog about herself to use as a CV.

So I just wanted to ask if there is anything I have missed or if it looks a bit stupid. Also is there any WordPress plugins to use to spam some articles with images onto your sites. I remember there was quiet a few for drupal and those where really good.
4 Oct 2008
Why does she want to be a front end developer, what type of support has she been doing ?

I tend to do a lot of development around her and she enjoys the front end stuff. She also enjoyed it more during Uni, like when we made android apps she really liked designing it and putting it together but not really the back end coding.

I guess this can be kinda of a trail too so we can actual see if its something she wants to do as a career.

Most of her support is application support, so shes done some coding, a lot of SQL, and the rest is investigating bugs.
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