Team Einstein Looking Stompy

19 Jan 2005
I've just spotted that we're currently the biggest UK team by RAC and have both the UK Boinc Team and University of Glasgow teams in our sights.:cool:

No cigars yet gents. Save them for when the stompings done.;)

EDIT 18/2/2012
One hundred meeelleeeun cobbles now crunched by the team. \o/


Cobblies (RAC)

OCUK 100,022,176 (147,573)
UK BOINC Team 101,400,511 (130,531)
University of Glasgow 112,678,503 (81,055)

Stomp clocks:

UK BOINC Team 34 days
University of Glasgow 141 days
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im going to get a 2nd pc up and running tonight and see what all the fuss is about :D will be crunching on an i7 920 d0 stepping so fingers crossed i will see some good results for you :)
Much appreciated Muppet, my sig was custom made for you :D

If you have a CUDA ready GPU you'll get some crazy numbers back.

My RAC comes entirely from a midrange GPU crunching evenings and weekends.
Same here - my RAC is at ~6,000 with just one GTS250 running for half the day.

Muppet, e@h's main aim is to search for gravity waves but it also attempts to find pulsars, which it has done successfully numerous times. Anyone discovering a pulsar is mentioned on the website and included as a discoverer in the scientific discovery paper - so if you want a chance of redeeming your 15 minutes of fame then there are worse projects than this to run :D
After 10 mins my gtx 460 got to around 25% on a work unit, each core on the CPU only 2%, are the points for cuda & CPU work units about the same?
No - you get 500 credits per CUDA task and, for the CPU apps, ~250 and ~337 for the gravitational wave search and gamma ray pulsar search respectively, which can both take a few times longer to do than GPU tasks.
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OK thanks, I might just stick to GPU on this project, I'll see how it goes.

Another question, my GPU % usuage doesn't get out of the 60s, is it possible to increase it, or run 2 work units at the same time?
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I was wondering when you'd ask that one ;)

It is possible, but you need to create an app_info fiile in the einstein directory to force more than one task to run on the GPU and you may need to manually download a couple of files in order for it to work.

The one I have used before is as follows. It should - but I can't guarantee it will - work on your setup, so you may want to drain your cache before trying it.

<user_friendly_name>Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)</user_friendly_name>

Change each <count>0.500000</count> entry to set how many tasks run simultaneously. 0.500000 means two run at once, 0.333333 gets three to run, though two may be best depending on what your GPU is and how much RAM it has.
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I tried it with two instances and the GPU usage was a steady 95% :) tried it with three and it fluctuated in the 90s so I don't think there's any advantage there, thanks for your help.
My alienated area 51 is now folding for you guys :-) one gtx 280sc and i7 920 d0 stepping at 4.2 :-) one thing I have noticed is the gpu ain't going over 60% usage...
plan on using E@H to test my new rig stability, good job I did as the moment I got going on it - it bluescreened :eek::(:mad:
RAM is the suspect at the moment - I think the oc is too high so will drop it down and try again, but once I get things stable, I will be devoting a little bit of time to this as I need to get to my million..

Its funny, but I can remember racing Halz to 100K and beating him by 1000, that was a while ago now!
Ok so I am very new to this stuff , just started tonight. I have had some problems with seti, as in not getting projects, however i think this will sort its self in time. I have managed to get Einstein tasks and they were running 50% cpu just now , one I dont want to over do it to start and with and two I still live with my parents so dont want to give them a huge electricity bill :)
my question is, how do I get my gpu ( xfx 6850) to start doing some work on this , I read that its a lot faster than the cpu. I have set it in preferences to be used but when i check the usage in Afterburner its sitting doing nothing. Is it just that iam making a newbie error ?
Simple answer is having a Pc at full load will use more leccy than one sat idling or o**.
If you are on economy 7 you can set boinc up so it only runs in off peak times. Or restrict the number of cores in use as you have done.

Maybe I'll go the Blue Peter route on this one and suggest you 'always get the bill payers permission' :)
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