Team GB is go for Olympic football .. or is it?

24 Jun 2008
Had an email, which is also viewable online:

And an announcement from Sky

But .. whats this?

Scottish_FA: No "historic agreement" on Team GB and no discussions with BOA. Seeking clarification!


Scottish FA: "I am absolutely astounded that they have put out this statement. I know nothing about any such agreement and we want nothing to do with this tournament.

Welsh FA was on the radio too, their stance is the same.

Welsh FA: "We are not part of any agreement. The FA have no authority to speak on our behalf - they do not represent Wales whatsoever and that's a fact. We have not discussed this at any time recently."
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They feel that if they allow a team GB, then FIFA will argue that GB should only be allowed one rep with UEFA and FIFA, weakening their position in the world of football.
(Currently NI, Scot, Wales and Eng have 1 rep each)

Whats worse (and it has caused issues in the Championship..)
Welsh teams retrospective punishments (for abusing a ref, for example) and appealing red cards isnt handled by our FA or the PL, but instead the welsh FA.
Same with bankruptcy rules and point deduction for administration...

Its caused quite a stir in the lower leagues, they've been known to be rather lenient to their welsh brethren.
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