Team Group 8Pack ram gone bad (bios update fixed it)

1 Jan 2003
So it looks like one (or more) of my memory modules has gone bad, boo :confused:

After days of going through everything in my PC, clean install, windows 10, 11 etc. Reset bios, load defaults. Old drivers, new drivers. Etc.
I finally did a memtest86 over night, which sadly came back this morning with a big red fail sign.
I've not been able to game for more than few minutes, before crashing to desktop. And my system had been rock solid for ages.

My dilemma:

I've got 4x 8Gb 8pack 3200 14-14-14-31 (not overclocked) bought at separate times in two lots of 16Gb.

And it looks like OCUK doesn't sell this memory anymore, even though its got a life time warranty.

Anyone been in the same boat? Will OCUK replace one set with something else, and what happens if it doesn't match my remaining 16Gb set?

I'm currently running another memtest on just one set (16Gb) and then I'll do the other set to find out which set is faulty. Then I'll be in touch with OCUK customer support.

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In terms of getting OCUKs response on this, make a thread in the customer service section with the order numbers of the ram. Hopefully they'll get you sorted there :)
Plot thickens.
I've tested each 16Gb set in turn (2x8Gb).
And memtest86 has passed each set. :rolleyes:

I'm now running a third test with all 4 (32Gb) plugged back in again.

Im running out of ideas as to how to proceed.

I did a memtest on each set when I first bought them, but I'm not sure if I ever did a run on all 4 together, and it's only been in the last week or two my system has been unstable.

My motherboard also bought from OCUK is just over a year old, x570 MAG Tomahawk.
After getting my replacement 8pack ram I can't get it to run at stated speed 3600mhz with xmp so bought some Corsair vengeance pro, can't have it till Christmas though.
Well I've updated my bios & reset everything and it passed memcheck with zero errors. All 4 sticks installed. Can't argue with that. :cool:
Glad you got it sorted, I was on latest bios and chips set drivers but still wouldn't run at xmp even with a little voltage bump, I bought some Corsair vengeance rgb Pro sl and hey presto, xmp enabled at running beautifully, no more team group for me.
I spoke too soon (again). I decided to play it safe and bought another (faster) set of 8pack (16Gb Ripped) last week.
Still my system remained unstable, in fact it was getting worse, windows crashing, any game would crash after minutes, and windows reliability started showing hardware errors :(

I got back in touch with OCUK and they decided the cpu memory controller was most likely at fault. Unfortunately I had no other Ryzen cpu to test with, so went to see the purple people where I bought the cpu from back in Jan.
They didn't have one in stock, so I took a full refund on the cpu (£400)

I've now got an Alderlake cpu & motherboard ordered and coming from OCUK :D
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