TEAM GROUP XTREEM " EDITION" 16GB ( 4500MHZ ) - lowering CAS Timings @ 3800 or 4000mhz

7 Jan 2017

Quick question that I know will have a lot of 'depends' and 'possiblities' in the answer.

I managed to snag a kit of the RAM mentioned above 2nd hand. I am looking to use it with my 5900x + Crosshair Hero VII.

I know at the advertised speeds of 4500mhz is kinda useless as the infinity frabric will struggle to even get 2000 from what I have seen, so to keep the 1to1 I was going to plan on running them at 3800mhz.

My question is, realistically would you expect to be able to reduce the CAS timings down from 18 to 16 (or lower) with the reduction in speed?

I am fully aware there is a lot for me to read up on and test to make sure stable and get it right but thought I would ask those more knowledgable about RAM than me to see if that is even an acheivable goal that I can try for? I am really clueless as always just loaded XMP in the past an left it.

Many Thanks and Happy Christmas.
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Yes you should be able to get down to CAS16 or tighter depending on voltage and the speed you can get IF stable at.

Use Ryzen DRAM calculator as a starting point.
Yes you should be able to get down to CAS16 or tighter depending on voltage.

Use Ryzen DRAM calculator as a starting point.

Wonderful, thank you. Thought that would be the case but glad to have it confirmed.

Will check out the DRAM calcualator. Will use the next few days reading up on all of it. Just didnt want to waste my time if it was silly to even try.

Thanks again.
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