Team OCUK Pro 8Pack and Hivizman take 10 3D benching WR's (and two 2D also ;)) Make that three 2d!!!

OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
Thanks to all the guys following our progress on Live stream.

Here is a summary of what was achieved:

4 Way R290X MSI Gaming, ASUS RIVE BE, 4930K 6150, Cortsair Dominator plats C9 2730+, Superflower and Antec PSU's

3D Mark 11 4 card and global WR 41633

3D MarK Firestrike 4 card and global WR 34710

3D Mark Firstrike Xtreme 2nd best score ever hardware world record. 21890

3D mark Vantage second best score ever. 96809

3D mark cloud gate number second best four card score: 56090

3 Way

3D Mark 11 world record for three cards 33216

3D Mark Firestrike Xtreme 3 card world record 17746

Vantage 3 card world record: 94269

Cloud Gate 3 card WR and Global World record for any config:56557

2 Way

3D mark 11 2 card world record:33216

3D Mark Firestrike 2 card world record: 24674

3D mark Firestrike Xtreme 2 Card WR: 12911

3D mark Cloud gate 2 card WR:52462

A couple of pics!! The RAM in one of the later shots tsill frozen after a blast with the hair dryer!!

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You seem to be dominating all the WR's. Maybe you should leave some for other people? Haha :D
lol, it's seems ridiculous to think that the spinning of those small fans have any impact on the cooling when they're so covered in frost themselves :D Are they frozen stiff in those photos?
lol, it's seems ridiculous to think that the spinning of those small fans have any impact on the cooling when they're so covered in frost themselves :D Are they frozen stiff in those photos?

The fans are not for cooling but to remove the vapour coming from the ln2 pots, otherwise this cold vapour would condensate/turn to liquid = bad for electrics.

I think???
No the fan is not frozen it just had frost on it and still does its job of pulling Ln2 vapor away from the rig. The other fans you see are to cool the vrms on the cards. When you remove the stock cooler and are applying higher volts this section of the card still benefits from air cooling even when the core is subzero. As do the VRM'a on the motherboard.
Big thanks to OCUK for hosting the benching session. Guys you all rock, and Gibbo you are the dude - never change.

Great set of results and an even better benching session than we had any right to expect. Things just came together at the right time. One WR in the first three days and everything fell into place on day four. 4 Way is never simple, so much can go wrong even on stock, never mind on LN2 but we worked through all the challenges and had a blast at the same time. Ian a true pleasure to bench with you my friend.

Looking forward to the next session, bring on the 780Ti benching.
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