Team of the season;

4 Sep 2008
It's that time of the year folks;

Pick your first eleven, 7 subs.

Gary Neville has done his! (I'm on my iPad at the moment so can't be bothered to copy paste it!)

Gary Neville's team of the Year;


(If you're going to do a job, do it properly :p)

I'll have a think about mine :p

Ps. Making this before Andy starts deleting posts in other threads
Ah, thought so.

YouTube clips aren't 'solid' evidence, you can make almost anyone look good in a YouTube clip.
No, they just show you what they want you to see. YouTube clips can be edited, as I've said, to make anyone look good. They're not the sort of evidence you want to use to support an agreement for picking a player.

Majority of the 'people' will just watch their own team or the 'big' games, and will base their opinions on that, nothing wrong with that. Interesting debate, but a bit boring.
Edit them how?

... Really? Really? YouTube clips especially football clips are edited to only show the 'good' bits, or rather the positive aspects of footballers games.

As such, because they're generally fan made too, they're not sufficient evidence. It's not hard to understand.

That's what separates them from the people who watch other games in a season then. Thanks for clearing that one up.

Well yes, that's generally what ~fans do, they watch their own team. Fans tend to be biased about their own team too, it's just the rose tinted glasses.

Students of the game will want to consume as much football as possible :)
Exactly... so when fans don't watch certain players and then dismiss their ability what does that show?

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make?

Fans tend to watch their own team, pick their teams players for 'team of the year' debates and argue why they think that their teams players are better. There's nothing wrong with that, the issue isn't to dismiss their opinion, but rather have healthy debate about other players.

Also; just because a fan might only watch his own team, or rather not watch ~much of other teams doesn't mean he can't have an opinion on other players, he will see other players play football.

Football games are fundamental. Yes, you can edit out bad aspects of a game but not clips. When you said edit, I thought you meant edit it so they have an extra leg or something. The beauty of individual game compilations is that if you have a 3 minute long video and it's all positive, it's very likely (especially a defender) that he had a good game. If you look at that one vs Man United you will see that some mistakes are also in there.

So, you're saying that if a three minute clip shows a player doing some positive things within a game, he's clearly had a good game?

You could make Bramble look like a fantastic defender if you edited clips that show him doing the positive things. Hilarious.

No, YouTube clips aren't 'evidence' to how good players are, just how good players can be ;)

It's a bit different if you want to show someone a specific goal or a piece of skill.
Edit: Tummys right though no one should be questioning other people's selections. Serious or not Robert including as many players from the team he supports is no more daft than you (Barry) including as many Arsenal players as you have. Not everyone can be as unbiased as me with their team selections :p

As long as it's intelligent debate, there is nothing wrong with it.

So, Tom's team might have Bramble in it, I might say I don't' think he deserves to be there and explain why, and then explain why I picked Sagna. Tom can then either stand by his selection and further explain why, or change his mind and alter his team.

As long as it's not stupid cave man, 'Engerrrrland' type discussion it's fine. Intelligent debate should be encouraged :)
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