teaming network connections

4 Mar 2008

I want to setup teaming on my switch and servers and computer to increase network throughput.

Currently i have a poweredge 2850, and intel sr3200 server and my computer which has a striker II formula mobo which is the nvidia 780i chipset.

the switch is a cisco linksys SPS2024

the NIC's in the two servers are: intel pro/1000 MT. both servers and the computer have two connections to the switch.

how would i go about setting up teaming? i read that you need to set it up on the switch and the NIC's? the switch has an option for link aggregation which seems to be the same thing as teaming?

can someone help me set up teaming for the servers and computer?

I trying to learn about networks as much as i can, i am 16 atm and it really interests me, all the networking stuff :)

cheers :)

ok thanks, though i cannot see the ANS management download listed for the pro/1000 MT?

what would the file be for the MT?
yep thats where i went, but there doesnt seem to be the management app for them?

the PE is on Server 2008 r2 datacentre, and the Intel is on 32 bit Server 2008 datacentre
hmm right i have tried the x64 one on the r2 server and it said it cannot install it because no network adapters are present in the server??

will try on the 32 bit in a sec
ok the 32 bit one has worked, and i have created a team on that, how do i set it up on the switch now? and is there a way to set up teaming on the 780i chipset?

thanks again
sorry for the thread resurrection but i really want to get this working :) so any more ideas on the 780i teaming? and also if someone could help me with setting my switch up for load balancing then that would be greatly appreciated too :) taa
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