Teamspeak... Can the post-mortem begin?

31 May 2005
Can we officially declare Teamspeak dead or are we still waiting for someone to turn off the life support?

Where did it go wrong?

Others came and went but Teamspeak held itself in a very high position at one point in time.

Gametracker listings show server numbers dropping consistently year on year.

Personally, the developers seemed the biggest problem. Never seemed like a "company" wanting to grow their product, just a bunch of kids who never grew up, thinking they were right, not listening to user feedback etc.

The archaic licensing system I am sure did not help but that was far from the reason for its demise.

The times change, gaming became mainstream and as such, Teamspeak was NEVER mainstream friendly and it failed to embrace web 2.0.

Teamspeak 3.0 final was relased in 2011. SEVEN years ago.

I decided to install Discord for the Division. Discord blew me away, it's everything that TS is not.

That is one of the problems.

People resist Discord (myself included) then one day you try it and people think... "Oh, this is refreshing" and the negatives are easily forgiven in most instances.

Not to turn this into a "TS Vs Discord" discussion, I am more interested in how Teamspeak failed keep its grip on the market.
Don't see why you're hand wringing over their market share though.

As a gamer on a gaming discussion forum, I see no harm in asking thoughts on how a product/service which was once a market leader in a very dominant position finds itself no longer in that position and without even an apparent fight while losing significant share in a time when MORE people are gaming and using comms.
I guess the people at TeamSpeak don't shout enough about releases then, there was a new version of the server released in the last week or 10 days. The client has requested an update at least once this year

I said when 3.0 was released which was indeed 2011. I was not refering to incremental updates.

What new features have been added in 7 years?

Even Ventrilo has had a title update to 4.0.
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