Tearing in BF Hardline

20 Jun 2015

My none gsync 4k 60hz monitor has horrible tearing in Hardline.

Especially during the cinematics.

its not that noticeable on other games, just hardline.
Have you tried forcing VSYNC in your driver control panel? Because it seems that vsync isn't working if it's tearing.

You say it's not that noticable in other games, is that with vsync on also? If so then you have a problem there.
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yes, tried it with and without vsync, still get the tearing.

VSYNC should be off when GSYNC is enabled. (Have you enabled GSYNC on both the monitor and in the NVIDIA control panel?)

You could also try limiting the Max fps in your HL config file (I forget what the actual variable name is).
So no one is getting this tearing?

it doesn't tear in game, only during the cinematics, and the tearing is quite bad.

What is your GPU?

Could be that it can't handle a certain bare minimum fps with v/sync enabled, so shuts v/sync off when the stress gets too high.....I have seen gfx cards do that in the past when I have tried to run games on them that are asking too much of the card.
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